Nirmal Patel is a Clinical Professor of Surgery and was born in England and emigrated to Newcastle, Australia at the age of 5. He grew up in Newcastle went to Merewether Public School, St Pius/ St Francis Xavier School and then moved to Sydney for Medical school at the University of Sydney. Nirmal undertook his ENT training in NSW and then spent 3 years in the USA completing a Master of Surgery thesis and undertaking advanced Ear surgery training.
Nirmal loves spending time with his wife, three energetic boys and large extended family. In his reflective moments he enjoys photography, art, design and skiing.

Outer Ear
Sound travels through the outer ear as waves and vibrates the ear drum. Exostoses occur here.
Middle Ear
The vibration of the ear drum then moves the 3 bones of hearing. Ear drum perforations and infections, cholesteatoma and otosclerosis occurs here.
Inner Ear
Which in turn creates waves in the inner ear fluid. The cochlea converts mechanical energy into electrical energy to send the electrical impulses to the brain. Cochlea implants are placed here.
Eustachian Tube
Is a cartilage tube that connects the nose to the ear and equalizes air pressure in both systems. Eustachian tube blockage occurs here.
Acoustic (Vestibular Schwannoma) Tumors
These are benign growths of the balance (or vestibular nerve) that occur in approximately 1 in 80,000 people. The tumors tend to occur in the bony channel between the inner ear and brain… Read more
Children's Ear Infections & Hearing Loss
Recurrent ear infections typically present in 1-3 year old children will a painful ear and fevers. The condition is usually due to a combination of poor Eustachian tube function and/or nasal obstruction… Read more
Cholesteatoma is a skin cyst (or growth) in the middle ear. The problem can be from birth or acquired usually after recurring ear infections. Cholesteatoma, if left untreated, can grow and destroy local important structures… Read more
Cochlear Implants
Cochlear implants are now routine treatment for adults where hearing aids are no longer working or for recent single sided deafness. When hearing aids are no longer providing adequate hearing… Read more
Ear Drum Perforation and Hearing Reconstruction
Chronic, recurrent ear infections can lead to holes in the ear drum or damage to the bones. Surgery is indicated with recurrent infection or hearing loss. Endoscopic ear surgery is the preferred method for correcting… Read more
Endoscopic (keyhole) Ear Surgery
This is the newest technique which requires specialised equipment and is often the most technically challenging. The endoscopic method is the technique of choice by Dr Nirmal Patel… Read more
Eustachian Tube Surgery
Blockage of the Eustachian tube is associated with severe symptoms including a fullness or blockage in the ear, along with hearing loss. The condition is also thought to be associated with… Read more
These are benign bony growths often associated with cold water swimming. They are thought to occur from cold water stimulation. Surgery is required when water trapping occurs… Read more
Otosclerosis (Stapedectomy) Surgery
Surgery performed with the endoscope and laser is the preferred method of our clinic. The procedure is performed in a day surgery manner and requires 1-3 days off work… Read more
Tonsils, Adenoids and the Blocked Nose in a Child
Tonsil and adenoid surgery is recommended for children typically for either recurrent tonsillitis or symptomatic sleep disordered breathing. With tonsillitis if a child has more than 7 episodes of tonsillitis a year… Read more